Baby Clips

All babies all the time! Here you will find nothing but baby videos and perhaps some comments. And I don't just mean "people" babies, babies of all species, kittens, puppies, anything baby! Get ready for a big grin! Be sure you have the latest version of Flash installed please.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Good Baby Bad Dog

That baby is so tiny compared to the big old dog. Poor dog, it's not his fault someone left that bowl there! But this baby sure wants to see him. The dog is even motivating enough to inspire some steps while holding on! Need your sound on for cute baby calls at the end.

Baby Tata

A video demonstration about a new baby treatment technique for bonding with the baby. They have games and massage. It's a cute video, like a commercial but full of sweet babies. Turn up sound to hear about the Tata.

Puppy in Booties

Poor puppy! People love to dress their dogs but this is the first one I've ever seen with shoes on. And boy he doesn't like it! Turn sound down to avoid hearing the owners trying to coherce it to walk.

Tail Chaser Kitty

An adorable kitten chasing it's tail. Isn't that what dogs do? Kitties are so sweet!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Baby Hippo Yawns

Kind of a longer clip but if you enjoy watching animals in the zoo, you'll enjoy these two minutes. This is the biggest baby I've ever seen! And he's sleepy. He yawns a few times and if you watch till the end at about two thirds through there's a really good shot of his baby yawn. There's sound but it's not necessary.

Baby Pushing Dog

A baby girl is practicing for her own baby one day by pushing her little dog around in a stroller. He's so good and just sits there for a long time enjoying the ride! No sound needed, it's only background people talking.

Shoulder Baby Holder

This is a review from a mom for an over the shoulder baby holder. But her little guy is a big contributor to the show! I for one have never used one of these and don't know how good they are on your back being one sided, but she seems to like it and so does the baby. Have sound on!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Big puppy Little puppy

The big dog isn't sure what to do with this tiny puppy. But she knows she wants toplay with it! Watch the whole thing, they get more playful as it goes, no sound needed.

Commercial Stops Crying

Brand new baby is quite upset until hearing this Japanese commercial in the background. Turn on your sound to hear it too!

Baby Crawls

Short clip of a cute little bald baby shows his crawling speed as he crawls by a measuring stick. Poor thing doesn't even know he's being timed!

Baby Sign Language

News story about teaching sign language to babies. What a great idea! And it is so cute to see the baby actually do a sign. Turn up the sound to hear the report.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Computer Kitten

I always wonder what a cat sees. This kitty is awfully close to the monitor and still seems to see some potential fun!

Puppy crawl

Baby puppy that is too cute! He doesn't do much except crawl around in this short clip but he's so cute, you must see it. Too bad they don't stay that small!

Baby Surprise

If you haven't seen this yet, it's about time you do! This is one of the funniest baby blooper clips ever! I won't spoil it for you, just watch.

Baby chicks

Freshly hatched baby chicks. Turn up your sound if you want to hear the kids that are there talking about them, it's just as cute as the chicks!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Making Baby Laugh

You know by now that nothing beats a baby giggle. So turn up your sound and giggle along while this dad tickles his boy with the crooked bib and he giggles in bursts. So cute!

Cute Commercial

Turn up your sound if you wish to hear the actual commercial, it is cute. And this little baby in the hospital is funny when you hear it!

Super New Baby Puppy

This one looks days old and still so cute! Can't open his eyes or hardly use his back legs but he's trying to go somewhere. Good thing mom comes in to the rescue! His little pink feet are so sweet!